Currently I am over Russia (or near it) and only a few long hours away from my final destination Inchon Seoul, South Korea! I have many unknowns in my life, and in the year to come but am grateful for all of my family and friends who are supporting me in prayer and staying in contact through this blog and other means :)
Hopefully my next entry will be more entertaining, but for now I am at least putting down some thoughts and hope you are able to get something out of this post.
Perspective is a great word. As i fly around the globe my view and my perspective are altered in a big way. In the past few years this word "perspective" has taken on new depth and meaning. Beginning with a hurtful and disappointing job experience as a high school RA/Cook my Junior year, to my recent stay in Ely MN, i have a whole new outlook on the concept of a better perspective. Yes, not just different, a better perspective. When all that we know as humans is this world and the rules we are governed by, we miss out. We miss out on life and living to the fullest, we miss out on the reality or realm if you will, where Jesus wants to meet us, we miss out on true love and compassion that sees beyond ourselves.
Any-who, a big part of my perspective shift awareness, is thanks to the many Bald Eagles that God has brought into my life and the little lessons they have taught and how they continue to remind me that Gods perspective is indeed not the same as mine. Their is a lot of "cool" background and details to all the Eagle sightings and various moments I have caught on memory, but for your sake and mine I will just tell the most recent instance.
As i was leaving Ely on my way to the Twin-cites, a movement on the side of the road caught my eye. I look and what do I see but a huge Bald Eagle hunching protectively over some road kill. I noticed the blood staining its beak and the white feathers near the beak and i was disgusted. First I was disgusted with the general youkyness of eating road kill, but it didn't take long until a deeper disgust won out. I was revolted by the idea that such a majestic animal as a Bald Eagle could be stooping to scavenging, when it was capable of so much more!
This mental picture has stuck fast in my head and has had a lot to teach me as far as myself, others and life in general. I personally may be tempted to go the easy way, however, I was made for more and wont really be living unless i walk out in faith and trust that God has better for me. Some of you reading this may know the Enoch the Eagle story, feel free to draw from that as well :) This picture speaks of learning to spiritually feed oneself, of the reality that you and i may know someone is better than what they are surrounding themselves, it recognizes that we all have the choice in our lives and gives us hope. At any moment that Bald eagle could realize, remember, learn that it is meant for greater things. Its meant for adventure, for the excitement of life, its meant to feel the wind in its wings and dive head long towards the earth, its meant to use its gifts and talents.