Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Water Skiing on the Han Gang

This outing was fairly off my radar and didn't really expect to be going water skiing until they gave me a my gear and we were off!!! The main plan or so I thought was to check out a section of the river for a canoe program. We did end up canoeing around and I was able to bring both my students up to speed on the art of stearing. After many circles and laughs we were able to go in a straight line.

When we arrived at the dock, it was just employees and one club member hanging around the stove area inside the office/practice area. As we walked up the wind was whipping through the valley and the waves were small but very much in existence and larger than I would like to skii over. I soon learned through translation that the wind just picked up before we arrived and was likely to soon die down, I was not so sure...

In the end they were right and after about 20 minutes the water was calm and the sun almost shinning. Yet it was still cold and the water looked even colder to add to the interest of the whole affaire I was not given any instruction, because I have done it before and was deemed fit for the line as soon as it was my turn!

It was good to watch my companions have a go at it first, I was able to remember the challenges and techniques I had used in the past to have a successful go on the ski's. When my turn did come I was nervous to be sure but found courage and was soon in the water and shocked at just how cold it really was.

The good news is I got going no problem and only face planted once when I tried to maneuver back into the wake zone and my ski edge hit the wave causing me to lose balance and find myself face first in the water. That was when the cold really hit. After I communicated how cold I was, had my ski's back on and the driver/instructor was on a course for the dock we launched off once more and this time the cold seemed to go right through me but thankfully adrenaline was also kicking in and I was yet able to enjoy the flying sensation and the pleasure that comes with a good water ski.

Back at the dock I was cold and shaky but happy to be their and grateful for the experience!

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